Ordination Dr. Manhalter – Fachärztin für Neurologie, Wahlärztin
Telefon: 0676/5084684
Email: Manhalter@gmx.at
Dr. med. Nora Manhalter PhD
- Medizinstudium an der Semmelweis Universität, Promotion 2002
- Facharztprüfung- Fachärztin für Neurologie 2010
- Oberärztin im Neurologischen Rehabilitationszentrum Rosenhügel seit 2013
- PhD Studium- Dissertation 2016
- Kopfschmerzen
- Parkinson-Krankheit
- Tiefe Hirnstimulation /Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) – Akblärung und Einstellung
- Neurorehabilitation
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Ungarisch
Verheiratet, eine Tochter
Evaluierung der Lebensqualität in Kopfschmerzen. PhD Thesis. (2016)
Case report of a woman with anti amphiphysin Positive stiff person syndrome. Manhalter N, MD, PhD; Györfi O, MD; Boros E, MD; Bokor M, MD, PhD; Fazekas F, MD; Dénes Z, MD, PhD; Fabó D, MD, PhD; Kamondi A, MD, PhD, DSc; Erôss L, MD, PhD Clin. Neuroscience 70(5–6):213–216. (2017)
The Comprehensive Headache-related Quality of Life Questionnaire shows significant improvement after withdrawal treatment in medication overuse headache: a pilot study. Clin. Neuroscience, 67(5–6):169-176. Gyüre T, Csepány E, Hajnal B, Kellermann I, Balogh E, Nagy Zs, Manhalter N, Bozsik Gy, Ertsey C. (2014)
The validation of a new comprehensive headache-specific quality of life questionnaire. Cephalalgia, 32(9):668-682. Manhalter N, Bozsik Gy, Palasti A, Csepany E, Ertsey C. (2012)
Health-related and condition-specific quality of life in episodic cluster headache. Cephalalgia, 24(3):188-196. Ertsey C, Manhalter N, Bozsik Gy, Afra J, Jelencsik I. (2004)
Prospective study of the clinical features of cluster headache. Ertsey C, Vesza Z, Bango M, Varga T, Nagyidei D, Manhalter N, Bozsik Gy Clinical Neuroscience 65:(9-10) pp. 307-314. (2012)
Trigemino-autonomic headache related to Gasperini syndrome Vesza Z, Varallyay G, Szoke K, Bozsik Gy, Manhalter N, Bereczki D, Ertsey C Journal of Headache and Pain 11:(6) pp. 535-538. (2010)
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